1. Post in Appropriate Forum Sections
Please try and post your topics in the most appropriate forum (I.E. 450 helicopters only in 450 section). If you post a thread that would be more appropriate in another forum, a moderator will move it for you. If you are posting in the incorrect section deliberately, disciplinary action will be taken.
2. Controversial Topics
Controversial topics, such as religion, racism, politics, abortion, retardation, etc., are NOT allowed. These topics start out civilized, but over time invariably develop into all out flame wars and heated arguments.
Posting “attitudes” need to be kept in a civilized manner.
3. Marketplace
In order to post something for sale in the Marketplace section the member will either (A) have at least 50 posts or (B) have been a member for at least 6 months. A price is also required. There will be no “Best Offer” or “OBO” posts.
4. Advertising
There will be no advertising of any kind on this site without the permission of the owner. At this time, there is nothing setup for any advertising of any kind. You may post links to sales that you see. But, there will be no "For Profit" sales of any kind on RC-Help.com. Receiving FREE items specifically for reviews for a company is advertising. Posting "This post is sponsored by..." is, as it states, advertising and will not be tolerated. We do not allow any "If I do 'THIS' will you buy" threads. This is also considered advertising and will not be tolerated.
5. Trolling
“Trolling” or, making posts with the intention of creating problems on the forum are obviously against the rules. This includes registering an alternate ID for the sole purpose of creating problems on the forums. “Troll ID’S” will be locked immediately and permanently, and can be locked without notification to the offender.
6. Flames or Derogatory Insults
Direct insults towards other members are strictly prohibited. If you disagree with another member, reply in a mature and civil manner. Do not respond unless you have something positive or helpful to add. If you find yourself being harassed by another member, please DO NOT satisfy them with a reply. Notify a moderator/administrator immediately to let us handle the situation. If you feel you must respond, please DO NOT do it on the board. Use private message or e-mail. If you are still fighting the urge to reply, click on that person’s profile, and select “Add to ignore list”. This will make that person’s posts invisible to you.
7. Attacking Forum Moderators/Rc-Help.com
Attacking Forum Moderators/Administrators will not be tolerated. Posting a thread or reply to question to criticize a Moderator/Administrator action is not appropriate in a public forum. Please utilize the board’s private message or e-mail if you need to discuss any issue. Treat us as you wish to be treated. Bring up your issues and concerns in a mature and civil manner to the Moderator/Administrator. We will do our best to address all issues and/or concerns.
Threads/replies attacking RC-Help.com policies ARE NOT allowed.
8. Expletives
Expletives (swear words) are NOT allowed. Many people are deeply offended by vulgar language. Replacing one or two letters in an expletive by using ASCII characters (! for I, etc) is NOT an acceptable solution.
Videos are an exception as explained in rule 9.
Bypassing the language filters is prohibited! You will be banned immediately and permanently if you bypass our filters!
9. Videos Containing Offensive Language
If you post a video that has questionable language in it or in the comments, please post "Graphic Language" "Offensive Language" or the like above the video or in the thread title.
10. Spamming
Spamming or business advertisements by businesses that do not sponsor RC-Help.com are not allowed. Threads or private messages determined to be "spam" will be deleted or forwarded to the Administrator which could possibly result in revoked privileges or deletion from our board without notice. Lottery schemes being advertised on this board are considered spam. Excessive advertisement or other "for profit" forums are also considered spam, and will be dealt with accordingly.
If you are interested in sponsoring RC-Help.com please contact our Administrators.
11. Porn
Porn is not welcome here. Pictures showing nudity are NOT allowed in our off-topic section even if an appropriate “Not Work Friendly” warning is posted in the subject line. Nothing over a PG-13 will be permitted. R-rated, X-rated pictures, sites or links are and will remain strictly against the rules. If you have a picture that is questionable, send it to a Moderator through a private message/e-mail before posting it.
12. Avatars or Signatures
Avatars, and signatures must be WORK SAFE. Please keep that in mind when adding them. If you put something offensive or unsuitable in there, we will turn off your avatar and or signature privileges.
Signatures are limited to 500 pixels width x 150 pixels height or less.
Avatars are limited to 100 pixels x 100 Pixels
13. All Uploaded Images
All images uploaded to Rc-Help.com whether by uploading directly to the server, or linking to them via photobucket or the like gives Rc-Help.com and it's staff the right to use said images in any way we see fit. This includes using those images in articles, videos, posts, emails and the like.
14. Reputation
We have just implemented a new reputation system. This system is to show all new members who can be trusted with information. Everyone starts out at 10 rep points. You can give, or take away a point depending on if you like what they posted. DO NOT ABUSE THIS! If you are caught giving members un-needed negative rep points, you will get a 3 day ban for your first offense. Second offense will be a permanent ban, PERIOD. I have seen this abused but I think the members here can keep it professional. Admins will usually not give out rep points. Each rep point from an Admin is worth 10 points. But, if we see a post that we think deserves it, then we will. If you have any questions, please PM an Administrator.
15. Free Posts
“Free posts” or posting solely for the purpose of boosting your post count is not allowed. Many people judge members credibility based on post count, so please obtain your post count legitimately. Furthermore, free posts waste server space and ISP bandwidth unnecessarily. Abusers will have their post count started back to zero.
16. Poop Threads
“Poop” threads or similarly immature and offensive topics (graphic sex or sexual acts) are NOT allowed.
17. Drugs/Illegal activities
Threads/replies promoting illicit drugs/narcotics will not be allowed. Also, threads/replies encouraging other illegal\unethical action (i.e. best way to kill neighbor’s dog”) will NOT be allowed.
18. Police Bashing
Persistent or purposeful “cop bashing” is not allowed. Referring to a LEO, cop, policeman, etc. is appropriate but unproven defamatory remarks for titles will NOT be tolerated.
19. Posting Harmful URL’s
Any member that posts malicious or a harmful URL links that cause other member’s PC’s to become locked or have to be rebooted in order for the PC to regain functionality is subject to losing posting privileges. “screaming” content may also be considered harmful if it cannot be viewed safely around all audiences
20. Violation of the Forum Rules/Guidelines
First Offense -Warnings and or Infractions will be given via private message, e-mail, and/or Moderator reply in the offending thread.
Second Offense – could result in a Temporary Ban which will consist of a Three (3) to Seven (7) day lock of your ID depending on the nature of the offense.
Repeated Offense – longer ID lock, possibly permanent ban.
Please realize that the nature of the offense will determine the action to be taken. If the violation is extreme enough, or has been repeatedly warned enough in the past, a member can have his/her ID locked without warning. Threads or replies that do not comply with our guidelines may be locked, edited, or deleted, depending on the nature of the offense. We will make every effort to state why such action was taken via private message, e-mail, and/or moderator reply in the offending thread. For this reason, we ask that you check your private messages often. You can find out whether or not you have received any private messages by logging into your usercp. You can set your options so that the board notifies you when you have received a private message if you so desire.
The above rules and guidelines are necessary to make RC-Help.com forums comfortable and more enjoyable for ALL R/C Helicopter and Plane enthusiast.
These rules can be changed at any time without warning. So please check back often to read over them.
If you feel you cannot comply with the rules above, please refrain from using RC-Help.com forums. If you feel that something posted here is unfair, please notify an Administrator by clicking any of the "Contact Us" links at the bottom of every page.
By posting threads or images on Rc-Help.com, you are agreeing to allow Rc-Help and/or it's staff the right to use those threads, posts, or images in any way we see fit. Up to and including using them for forum purposes such as advertising. Rc-Help will never use any photo or post in a derogatory way, EVER!
Rc-Help.com will not delete any user account for any reason.
Rc-Help.com reserves the right to ban any member without notice if there are multiple offences before being caught.
Thank you
RC Help Staff