fbl gyro

  1. N

    FBL Gyro Spektrum Dx6

    Hey Guys I want to finish my goblin fireball. However, I have the following problem with the remote control (Spektrumdx6): If I move the left joystick upwards (gas) then the Roll and Nick channel also move on the servo monitor. I already have the mixers OFF but I do not know how to continue. Is...
  2. A

    FBL Gyro 450x/ar7200bx Pops Up And Down

    My father has a Blade 450X with the AR7200BX and when you go to take off with it off the ground and it is about to lift off the ground it will just like pop up and down by it's self and I can not figure this out. It does not have any vibration problems that I can find or feel, the AR7200bx is...
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