350 qx outdoors for the first time


Well-Known Member
Well as you can read from the title I took the 350 qx out for a spin, while dodging the showers oh and I forgot to mention I strapped a camera phone to the bird,

Now it's not the best camera in the world 640 x 480 30 fps so was not expecting the world from it,

This is raw footage straight from the phone, so rotor noise and wind noise is a little high,

had a little shake 3 min + into the video as I turned from safe mode to smart mode as I was loosing direction as it was behind where I took off from! but changed back a bit quick as wind was a bit much for me on my first go outside,

Well I will let you all decide. Hope you like,



Well-Known Member
Nice one Kev.
Your first step into FPV :D
I have an interesting FPV flight uploading now :) from today.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Lee, was nervous taking it up above me to that height that's why it was in safe mode, alt and gps hold, but was not to bad a picture seeing as it was done with an old samsung phone, and being buffeted around by the wind as well

FPV is a while away unless I can be recommended a nice easy small set up with a screen, oh and not cost an arm and a leg, I do fancy a gopro but can't afford the wedge for that right now either.
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