A good day at work

when the boss told me i was going to Twizel, i first thought was, cool, im going to take my plane haha. it was one of those rare trips where i was in absolutley no rush.
i drove up in time to get a good sleep and got the truck loaded by 10 am to give me the rest of the day to enjoy myself. here is a bit of the footage i took TPV. i love the scenery in central Otago.

The Mackenzie Basin and Central Otago - YouTube


Getting that close to a dam I'm surprised no one came out and tried to shoot down the plane or at least called the police that there was a possible terrorist flying "drone" toward the dam. After what's happened here in the U.S. you'd end up being questioned by the feds at the very least.


Well-Known Member
Very nice flights mate. I recognise that lake at the beginning from when i was in NZ. We were driving from Queenstown back up to Auckland.
lol, RMB677, i was thinking when i was flying around i am lucky we dont have those sort of issues here. i love my country :)

im getting better ay Lee?

does anyone use a camera gyro gimbal that they can reccomend for a gopro 3? i think using one would greatly improve my video's.


Well-Known Member
Getting that close to a dam I'm surprised no one came out and tried to shoot down the plane or at least called the police that there was a possible terrorist flying "drone" toward the dam. After what's happened here in the U.S. you'd end up being questioned by the feds at the very least.

We don't do "Terrorists" in good old New Zealand. I hope we never have those issues.
This place is too small for them to lose themselves.
Nice flight Johnny.
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