Aggresive T-Rex 550 DFC Testing Flight


So I fitted the new DFC head to my Align 550 and needed to be sure I wasn't going to boomstrike it (it's a good 2 inches lower than the stock FBL head). Theres only one way to be sure of that - try as hard as I humanly can to make it boomstrike! :D :D

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Staff member
Yet another great flight. I really need to get another helicopter so I can start flying again lol.


I am El Taco!
I believe if you were going to have any issues with boomstrike, you'd have seen it with that flying! Good stuff :biggrin1:


I believe if you were going to have any issues with boomstrike, you'd have seen it with that flying! Good stuff :biggrin1:

That was genuinely the intention of that flight! I don't usually fly as aggressively as that, so it was a case of "if it's going to break, let's do it on video!". I enjoyed it, and I may even do a few more videos in that vain ;) Hell, I've got to convert the 700e v2 when the heads are available, so I'll just have to give it the same treatment!


Staff member
A 700 boom strike, those are impressive. Expensive but impressive lol. It did look as if the 550 had more control though with the shorter head. like it would flip faster with the CoG more towards the center of the heli. How did it feel to you? Any flying difference?


A 700 boom strike is evil! I've seen a raptor 90 boom strike in flight at about 150ft high! Unreal how far the parts spread themselves over!

As for the 550, yes it is definitely sharper, slightly more agile, and surprisingly it has made it a bit more efficient/more powerful!


Well-Known Member
Are the Heads from Align or an outside vendor? I want one for my 500 if its available.


Staff member
eh, I still think you were holding something back. You need to get up to about 100', inverted, full positive pitch (pushing it to earth), then at the last moment go full negative pitch and pull straight up into the sky. If anything is going to put excessive force on those blades, that will do it hehe. Yeah, I can't fly them that well, but I can crash the hell out of them like a Pro :thumbsup:


Lee; yes it is an align upgrade, but not available as yet for the 500. If I see it anywhere I'll post it here for you :)

Tony; I did something more violent than that move! Tail slide in to inverted positive pitch punch with a massive stop! If anythings going to break it, that would!


Lol for once I even thought it wasn't a bad flight; I may have to fly like that a bit more often! Expect some more vids this weekend :)
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