Derek's Saturday, May 10, flights


Well-Known Member
This is the entire video of my flights from Saturday. I took 6 planes and my 450 and 500 helicopters. I did fly the helicopters because the wind really began to pick up when I was done with the planes. Should have flown the heli's first.

Anyway...this video shows my two Delta Wings, my motor glider, my Flying Mario Kart (unfortunately it still needs work), my RCH Edge 540 Profile plane, and my biplane. Grab something to drink and take a look. I did do some editing but the video still turned out to be a bit over 30 minutes long.

The RCH Edge 540 flight starts around 19:40 in the video

The maiden flight of my biplane starts around 24:50.

I hope you enjoy the video. Sorry about all the wind noise!

Saturday's Flights, Biplane Maiden, RCH Edge 540, EA Wing - YouTube
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