I'm wondering if anyone has seen a parallel charging board for EC3 that has the parallel cable and banana plug pass through on one end. I have a XT60 board that has this and it makes it very easy to have multiple boards of different types connected to the charger at once.
I have not changed anything permission wise. All I have done with the site is remove some things from the front page to make it load a little faster. I will look into it .
Spend the money on the Progressive RC modular system. It allows you to plug different boards with different connectors together in a daisy chain. I have 2 boards setup for the supera X brand and ec3 for all my other packs.
I may just build a parallel banana connector using panel mount jacks and plug it into my charger. Then I can leave my parallel boards plugged in all the time.
So this is what I have came up with. I had some extra jacks and decided to go with it. I am not happy with the way the bus bars came out. I cut them from some that I had salvaged from old VF drives. I will probably make new o es sometime later just to make it look better for me. I didn't get a photo of the bus bars yet so stay tuned.
I got the new bus bars done today. They look much better than the first ones. I did not center punch or use a drill press on those, I just clamped them together in a vise and used a hand drill. What a joke. I cut the first ones also with a chisel and hammer in the vise which was easy but left the bar with a slight bump on one edge. Today I used a file to get it right on the mark. Finished with a little sand blasting and they are ready to install.