Getting alot better with Hovering


Active Member
Hello its just the beginner again, but i think i got this bird dialed in thank you to everyone's help and advice. There was a 5mph wind so it was a good learning experience to adjust to wind. I hope you enjoy any input on what you notice is welcomed.



Staff member
Looking great bro. And you have your neighbor sucked in, get him on here and we will corrupt his mind as well :biggrin1:


Active Member
He is actually a military veteran who test flew helicopters and maintenance so he has helped me quite a bit with the flying part. It just sucks cause i go in for surgery tomorrow so there will be no flying for the weekend. And thank you.


Staff member
Good job I should be out soon to start flying mine. Who knows I might fly today will see. It also looked like you got some negative transitional lift, i could be wrong.


Active Member
I think negative transitional lift means how the the heli deccents? It was windy so when a wind gust came and i had positive pitch in the blades well it flew alot more up and vice versa and im still learning so im using my ears and eyes to get used to the throttle to hold it at one altitude.


Staff member
Translational lift is when the blades are cutting through "clean" air. Meaning there is no wash coming off the rotor and getting sucked into the blades. This can happen in forward flight when there is nothing but clean straight air in front of the heli. Same goes when hovering in the wind. But, once that clean air stops blowing, the heli will not be generating as much lift, and will fall. Not really "negative" lift, but a reduced translational lift.
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