450 Head Holding

Alex Evans

Today, I tried an attmpt to spool up in front of the house, on the road, using my training gear.
Close to reduced friction, the machine got into a strong spin, any attempt of mine to control it with the rudder didn't help.

I am using a MicroBeast v5 ... could something go wrong with the tail / rudder setup? What?

How do I know if Heading hold is ON? My 3 gain dials are set in the centre...

Hope for some ideas.



Staff member
Sounds like your gyro for the tail is reversed.

And for HH mode, the status light should be blue. Red is Rate mode.


Well-Known Member
Increase the Gyro Gain on the Transmitter to a positive number, start at about +25

But also check that the tail is moving the correct direction when you move the rudder control and that the gyro is correcting in the right direction when you move the air frame left and right.

Alex Evans

On my Radio, I have on the Gyro screen
Pos 0, Pos 1, Pos 2 which of them should I change? What are those numbers?

I will check the rest
Thank you

Alex Evans

OK, I did menu F again:
1) The stick at full right was flashing Blue, increased the travel to 103% it turned Blue steady
2) Did the same on stick to the left
3) Rotor direction for both sides goes the right way
4) Gyro correction when holding the fuselage is also correcting the right way

BUT, when I am out of setup mode, if I move the fuselage to either side, I expected the Gyro to try and correct it, but it does nothing.
Is that something to do with Gyro setup on my Tx? Which of the 3 channels should I increase from zero.

Are those 3 position related to flight mode or what do they represent - 0,1,2

One more thing, the status light in operational mode is BLUE



Staff member
When comes to the switches it really doesn't matter which position you use as long as you know whats going to happen.

Most people who use specktrum radios will reserve position 0 as a rate mode setting for scale flying and postion 1 and maybe 2 for head hold gain values. This will allow you to have 2 head hold values that are set to a given head speed.

I know nothing of microbeast so take this next statement if it applies to you. If your using bank switching then how you set your tail gain might be different. If your scratching your head on bank switching then more than likely your not using it and don't worry about it.

Alex Evans

At the momemnt, I have no idea what is Bank switching.. I have a long way to go learning about all this.
I have switch at position 0 for fly, at position 1 for Hold mode.
In flight mode, I have both throttle and pitch straight line curves.
At this stage, I need to learn to hover only - I am a beginner



Staff member
So your flight mode switch (i beleive you said it was F) has 3 positions. There are 2 reasons to have rate mode setup on your model. The first is for scale flying. The other is for setup of the tail and that's it. Once your tail is set then I would set all three positions to head hold. You can have 3 different values for three different head speed rates. the higher the head speed the lower the gain will be.

Anyways thats it for now. As for bank switching, don't worry abour it your not using it.

Alex Evans

Hello again,

I am very far away in this.... I have my flight modes set on switch A.
In position zero, it is flight
In position 1, I have Hold

Not clear what do you mean to set all 3 position to HOLD, why? How will this machine fly if all 3 modes are in Hold?



Well-Known Member
One of the issues that I see is the naming of the switch functions and the allocation of switches, not everybody is calling them the same or allocating them the same.
There is nothing wrong with this except when you try to explain your setup to others.

This is my setup, I fly Mode 1(Throttle on the Right)
A Hold 0=Off 1=On
B Not used
C Not Used
D Gyro 0=+50 1=+46 2=-25 (numbers will vary greatly )
E Banks 0=Normal 1=Autolevel 3=Rescue (iKon FC)
F Not Used
G Flight mode 1=Normal 2=stunt1 3=stunt2
H Not used
I Not Used

You may use something different, but this works for me, hope it helps.

Alex Evans

Hello Admiral, my teacher
I managed to perform a good first almost hover in front of my house, with setting of 25% on all 3 Gyro points.
Not sure what is the reason to have 50%, 46%, -25% I assume it is for different flight modes and different head speed, which for me at present time I am far from this stage.
I am also aware of different Radio units with different names, but - you must admit, for experienced pilots in this area, it is hard, almost impossible to think down 7 levels from where you are to where I am.
You are telling me E Bank 0 = Normal... etc... You didn't even stop for one moment to think, what is E Bank? What is it used for ? I have no idea what you are talking about...

So, please explain to me - Bank setup, and what is the optimal number for me to setup the Gyro gain. Currently all 3 points are set to 25% following a suggestion I got here in the forum - from you. Is that what I leave it at?

Cheers and Thanks


Well-Known Member
I was referring to switch E on your DX9, and that Switch on mine controls the banks on my iKons, which you don't have on the on a BeastX.

The Gyro settings can be vastly different on different models I find Align & BeastX generally start about 25%, iKons start about 45%.
I have not used an AR7200 or BeastX for several years and have never used version 5, so I think I'm only confusing you further.
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