Goblin 380 Supporter
Hey all. I have this charger going on 6 yrs and I'm not sure how long they last but I'm looking to get another one before this one goes. I can't see buying fancy one like Tony, Geena, URI ... but I would like to get one that charges 3, 4, and 6 cell batteries faster then this one does. Right now I'm charging 2 batteries at a time and it takes a goooood hour to do so with this charger. I would like one that wont break the piggy bank and it doesn't take for ever to charge. There's so many out there and this is the only charger I ever used since I've been flying. OR should I just get another one like that and just use 2 charges to charge my batteries. I prefer not to use the slow boat from China unless I have to Lol. Thanks