I am tyring to upload a video but youtube is so slow at the moment.
Last time I looked it said 988 minutes remaining.
It's a less than 1Gig video on a 1megabit per second upload.
That should not take 15 hours, what the heck!!
3 days worth of flying, 10 battery packs at about 8 minutes each all condensed in to a 16 minute video.
At the start the video was really shaky but as I adjusted the Naze32 flight controller things got smoother.
Having finally got some more flight batteries it's good to be able to fly 4 or 5 times in a row, instead of 1 flight then wait for battery to charge.
It has made a heap of difference as far as confidence goes.
First part of the video is fairly tame, but as I got more flight time and confidence, I started taking a few more risks.
That low flying and proximity stuff, what a rush.