Most Bad Ass Rc Vehicle EVAR!!!


Well-Known Member
That would be awesome! A massive rc tank like that! WOW! The possibilities are endless!!!

I'm happy to see the progress, Tony! I hope you are feeling better!


Staff member
At the time that I shot that video, it was very hard for me to breathe. I'm really thinking this crap is turning into pneumonia.


Well-Known Member
oh no! I hope not pneumonia! Try to get some rest and take care buddy!

I miss talkin with ya!


Becareful Tony that is nothing to play with, Um I seen on Epic RVs that this guy built a rc tow that he can guide his rv to his truck from the outside


Staff member
Am I trying to put myself in the hospital? Nope, trying to put myself in that house lmao.


Well-Known Member
If you really think it may be trying to work into pneumonia ... pick up some the original Sudafed ( aka pseudoephedrine ) or a generic of it to help dry it up... This is what doctors used to prescribe for it ( and also swimmer's ear ). Don't go with the alternate versions except for use before sleep... Of course you'll have to ask for it at the counter and show ID to get it.

It makes a lot of people jittery... so you may also want to ask the pharmacist for an alternate you can use in the evening ( your evening, whenever that is... lol ) and while sleeping. The alternates aren't as good at drying you up... but they probably won't keep you up when trying to sleep


Staff member
It's actually getting better. It's now to the point where I'm coughing up thick crap which is a bit nasty lol. I have taken pseudo before and it works pretty good. Just have not wanted to deal with people here lately lmao. Mucinex is pretty much what I have been taking. What has killed me this week though is I was sick as a dog running a fever and such, but still had to go to work because there is no one else there to work. Gotta love it lol.


Staff member
Take it easy guy its easy to make yourself more sick with the stress. Get yourself some vitamin C, E and Zinc. Top it off with some Mucinex.

Lets FPV that bugger.


Staff member
IT's all good. It's the house that I'm living in that is making me sick. The stress of everything plus the conditions. This is why I decided to by brand new and not used. Yeah, it's a little more money, but it's worth it to not have mold, leakes and everything in the house going wrong. Everything on this house is brand new, and what I don't like, I can replace or upgrade at will. Well, the will of my bank account that is lmao.

And he wouldn't let me play with it... I told him that I would let him fly the 600 if I could play with the tank :biggrin1:
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