My RCH Trainer ***UPDATE***


Well-Known Member
Thanks Adam! I'm thinking about making a second one. This one is for my wife to learn on. I'm wanting to make another one and give it a better color scheme than just white. I'll just use some colored packing tape. Should look pretty good!


Staff member
Alright dammit, I have my knockoff deans plugs that I think I can find a couple of to make work, and I'm going to have to put the RCH Trainer (Official) in the air again for its SECOND flight lmao. I miss that plane. I will see if I can take a couple minutes to do it this weekend. Should have done it last weekend while Matt was there to hold the camera. Ah well, he will be back one of these weekends and we will get some video. Only thing I have now is those crap glasses that I don't like much.

As for the videos, that plane looks GREAT! I like it. But... Yeah, you knew that was coming. You say that prop is small, well if you put a bigger prop on that thing, it may hit the ground. Remember, the tail is going ot come up before a takeoff and lower the prop. Also, with the tail wheel on there, you may need to extend your landing gear a bit to get more angle on the plane so that it can pick up the tail easier. When you are going down the runway for a takeoff, you should see your tail come up about 2" I would think.

Either way, it's a trial and error thing and you know all about that lmao. That is what I LOVE about this plane. There is just so much you can do with it.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, the prop that I had on there for the taxi tests was an 8x4 Slo Fly prop. When I first talked with you about this plane, you suggested a 10-12" prop. I did actually maiden the plane last night with a 9x5 Slo Fly and it did pretty well. Yes, I did not mention in the video that the landing gear is going to get changed due to the tail raising up, hopefully, upon take off. In fact, I may just leave the landing gear off, for now, because this is the plane that my wife will be learning with and I think that "belly landings" would be better for her. When I build my 2nd RCH Trainer, with a colored packing tape covering, I'll work on different landing gear.



Staff member
I would put some LG's on mine, but with the field that I fly in, there is really no reason. It would just grab and flip over possibly breaking the prop. So, it's all about belly landings for me and is the reason I put black vinyl on the under side of it. Keep from turning my white stripes green lmao. That and I didn't have anymore room on the plane. There are exactly 13 stripes and 50 stars on the whole plane. Took forever to plan that out lmao. But dammit I think it looks good in the air!

I love it when I hear things like this. Puts the fire back in me to get something in the air or to design/build something new! I had an FPV plane that I had in the concept stages that would have worked GREAT, but then I got this job and it all went to hell in a hand basket lmao. Ended up tossing it in the garbage and forgetting the idea.


Well-Known Member
Thanks! Actually, the maiden flight was Wednesday and it flew great. A bit tail heavy, but no real issues. The " video'd" maiden flight will be Sunday, I think. I'm gonna take the landing gear off so that my wife can learn to fly with this plane.
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