Quick Quad flight from on board cam.


Well-Known Member
Quick (boring) onboard flight around my place to check the camera on my quad.
It was late afternoon and the camera doesn't seem to do to well in changing light conditions but it's what I have so it will do just fine for now.
I am thinking of grabbing the HoryzonHD V3 from Foxtech.
Anyone have any thoughts on these, anyone got one?

Quad Flight - YouTube


Staff member
I see what you mean. When you were mostly pointed at the sunset, it would close the iris and make the ground too dark. But once you nosed down, or turned around, it would brighten back up by opening the iris.

No matter, it seemed like a nice stable flight.


Well-Known Member
Yeah the quad is flying well and there doesn't seem to be too many vibrations, now I just gotta get brave enough to do some FPV.
I done a few little flights but kept close and took the goggles off pretty quick as I didn't have a spotter available.
Everything is charged and ready, my spotter is available tomorrow, here's hoping for some good weather.


Staff member
Ah yes, a spotter is great when you are just starting out. When taking off and landing, it seems like the quad is moving fore or aft when it's really not and it's easy to back up into something and destroy a good quad. Once you get used to it, then there are no issues. Keep us updated on the progress!


Well-Known Member
Looks great mate,
The Horyzon HD cam looks like a good one. I will be interested in your thoughts. I think i may get one of those later this year if nothing better comes out. The place i'm working for in Mexico sells GoPro, so i can get them at cost price :D So may get a Hero 3 Black.


Well-Known Member
The things I like about the HoryzonHD is that you can spread it out to get your cg right, it doesn't take much room at the front of your craft, it does not seem to give the fisheye effect that gopro does, it won't shut down when the mem card is full and it's only $160us. That's a lot of pluses and as yet I can't think of any negatives.
I'm about ready to whip out the credit card.


Well-Known Member
The new Gopro is much lighter than the last one. You can change the field of view to a non fish eye setting. I thought you could set the gopro to always be on even if you run out of card space?
I do like the Horyzon unit though, so its will depend on how cheap i can get the new gopro.


Spagetti Pilot
You put a big enough card in the go pro and it will last plenty long enough! Lol I download mine after every day of flying anyways.
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