I am amazed at the backwards lift that thing did towards the ceiling while torque rolling. It would seem all your control surfaces would have a different feel going backwards.
On his falls, did you see the ailerons going almost 90°? Wow!
ive been researching different setups and some of the 3d guys run 90° throws on elev, you must need some high end/high torque servos for that amount of throw.
I would have thought that while it is going backwards that all the surfaces would do the opposite to normal flight. Would it risk ripping the hinges out of the control surfaces and wings when they throw it in reverse.
They were never going very fast when they went backwards. I doubt you would want to give it everything its got going backwards. It also looked to me like maybe the negative blade pitch (backwards) was not very much pitch. As compared to a heli +11 and -10.
i think it would be the airflow to/from the prop flowing over the control surfaces like when doing harrier or hover the control surface authority is generated by the prop wash