haha, yeah that second (or third actually) knife edge was started a little late and with the limited space, I just about hit that tree lmao.
The single servo setup is great. I will say that it's a bit more challenging to set up hence why there were bends in the wires. I put those there to even out the ailerons, not to try to angle the wire. And it works great that way.
About the 3s, I don't know if I would say it's more challenging, but the thing is just smokin' fast. I'm talking, way more power than this thing needs. Some people that are going to download this plane are just wanting it to fly around, which I think is what Derek likes to do. I know he wants to get into some 3D and this is a great plane for it, but I think he is used to flying quickly and not below stall speeds. On the 2s, I'm having to use a bit more throttle, but the climb rate is still very good. I did have to move the battery back as far as I could just to get some tail weight in there. I think I may need to add a penny to the tail to get it perfect. Yes, it's that close lmao.
But I would suggest, or anything over a 1300kv motor, that you run a 2s unless you want to try to break the sound barrier lmao.
And your right, not my first rodeo, but I'm still a craptastic pilot. I will be using this plane to try and teach myself some more moves that I can do in this little space. Which is fixing to get smaller since we are going to be putting a house on that field.
I did fly yet another battery after this flight, and this thing is just fantastic. 4 minutes and less than 600mah back into that 1000mah pack! I'm thinking about dropping down to an 800mah pack for 4 minute flights just to reduce the nose weight. I have a LOT of those too lmao. I have a total of 5 1000mah packs.
I was going to go out with a fresh pack and a third flight, but it started raining. So, the flights for today have been canceled. Which sucks. I was having a blast. Guess it's time to fire up the plotter and make a trim scheme for this plane so that it's easier to see in the sky. I was having a really hard time with orientation on those flights.
Sorry for the very long video and all of the figure 8's lmao. I'm sure someone is going to puke after watching this lmao.