pitch curve in NORM is 37,44,50,75,100. STUNT, 0,25,50,75,100, and HOLD is the same. also I forgot to mention it in the video... Yes landing has always been tricky for me, and that was the first time I've tried to land under power since February, I would usually just bring it to around 1-2 feet off ground then hit TH. I guess it's a very good thing I made the investment of a gorilla gear... I will try next time to land softer... I don't know what it was, but later on in the video some switch must have flipped, and last few landings were really hard. I don't know if you noticed but in the video (don't know exact time) but one of the landings out of the screen when it spools down you can here the tail rotor hitting something, than it sorta starts spooling up again for a split second; well that thing hitting the tail rotor was a piece of ply wood did a little damage to the tail blades... than if you noticed next time I spooled up there was a small chirp, well that was caused by a the main gear that strip a tooth when I accidentally hit idle up when it landed near the ply wood, thankfully hit TH before it could spool up much, but in for a new main gear. Hope to be back up soon, shouldn't take long for a main gear to get here... but going to have to upgrade to the slant main gear system, there all out of stock of normal main gears.