This is why I have to watch my altitude


Well-Known Member
This is why I have to watch my altitude, I didn't get any of the real low passes, I guess they look lower than they actually are.
Our Air Farce was doing touch and go landings at the local airport.

Low flying - YouTube


Staff member
I have a Galaxy that flies super low right over my house. Its so low I can see the landing gear in detail while they are raising and lowering. I am at the point of the traffic pattern where the aircraft turns base. Sometimes it cool to watch and other time it sucks. Now that I have my AMA I can't legally fly at the playground. I am to close to an active airport.


Staff member
I got the same thing. I am 2 miles from the end of the local AFB runway. I got AWACS, kc135, b1, and b52 buzzing my house since I was a little kid. Made it hard to hold a phone conversation, but I think it's what really got me excited about flight.
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