Looks good bro. One thing that makes the heli seem more stable is you are not sitting in a hover the whole time. Those that are just hovering around are looking for that perfect tail and that is when you need the high dollar tail systems. But, if you are doing FF or like you, nose forward hurricanes, you are always giving it rudder input.
I agree. During hover, this helicopter can't compete with high-end helicopters in stability. But it is good news for people out there who are new to the hobby and wish to build a trainer helicopter on a small budget. To do this, some basic heli knowledge is a must. Now we have a dilemma.
I remember building my first helicopter, a EXI 450 ( Trex 450 Sports Clone). It was mostly pain, frustration and disappointment because of my lack of said knowledge until I came across your videos on Youtube.
After many failures and lessons learned, I was looking at this kit online and thought to myself: " Hey, I might make it work this time".
Or, as Lee said, I was just lucky this time