James M. Lewis
Armed Forces
I pray for the safety for everyone during terrible times in this hurricane/tornado season.
Not for you. Lots of companies are doing this. Look at Apple and John deere to name a couple. Slightly different but still won't let you have the parts to repair what's yours.I thought replacement parts weren't available!!!
Nothing like a good day of flyingThe weather is fairly calm again today so I couldn't resist flying 4 more packs
Hey Tony and happy late turkeyday to you. Don't you hate when life gets in the way?I do hope everyone had a great turkey day. I have been working nonstop trying to get caught up on bills and taking all the OT that I can get my hands on. Haven't even had time to get into the sim rig which I'm trying to get into today if I can. One of these days, I will pull that helicopter off the wall and finish it, I just know once I start, I'm not going to want to stop and for a while now, I have not had time to do anything. Work... What an evil 4 letters haha.
Damn, that's a dirty four-letter word...WORK!My life here lately has been work, work and more work. Work at my job, work at other things on the computer, work on the house, work on the yard, work on the garden, work on {insert work here}... Well, a few nights ago, I did something that I have not done in many, many years. I finished my day at work, and I turned off my computer and went outside and I made a fire in the pit. I grabbed myself a cold beer and a nice cigar. I sat at that fire for hours. No phone, no computer, no 'work'.
Every day for me is the same. Wake up, make coffee, go to work, get off work, stay on the computer and do more work. Getting outside for the past few nights and watching logs burn with a cold one and a nice stogey has been more relaxing than anything I can remember. Sometimes, you need to toss that extra log on the fire....
As many officer and park rangers have seen me fly, not once have they asked how much those quads weigh or break out a scale to weigh them, no less if I have a tracking device on them if they're overweight. They say that they have bigger fish to fry. I guess it all depends on the area you fly or the individuals' mood too.I am absolutely blown away at the amount of regulation that has been put on these things.
Don't feel bad Tony. I suck at any of those shoot em up games. I stick mostly to sports and racing.