4th Of July, What Are Your Plans?


Staff member
What's up everyone. I know that some are from other countries, and don't celebrate the 4th, bit for those of you that do, what are your plans?

I just plan on cooking out and hangin with the family. Unfortunately since I sold my two flying helis, I can't fly lol.

So what are you doing?


I am El Taco!
My heli is not flying either ... though I don't completely know how to fly it yet (heck, I can get it off the ground ... it's the landing portion I have been having issues with :biggrin1:). Soooooo, in the morning we have a Church breakfast I'll be attending, then we will be doing our annual viewing of "Independence Day", then some barbecued burgers in the afternoon, then see the local fireworks show that evening. I would bet a lot of you stateside are doing about the same thing, sans the movie.


Super Mod & DEAL KING!
I am working... and dont have a dx6i so having ideas to buy a dx8.. which is not good. :p lol


Staff member
No align in your future if you keep spending money lol. Why are you thinking about a dx8? Do you have a need for that many channels?


Glencairn Drone
I wish I could fly but im on vacation in San Diego. I just went jet skiing for my first time ever! Gaba, what happened to your DX6i?


Glencairn Drone
Also, I went to the flying club here andit is carpeted!! Out door carpeting???

Rc-Help Member

I Love This Site!
I'm at my sisters. We ate so much smoked pork yesterday I woke up squealing this morning (not from my mouth, heh). Sitting on the deck right on with a cool breeze blowing and chit chatting. It's gonna be a great day.


Well-Known Member
I was teaching people to windsurf today. My GF finished work at 6 instead of the normal 10pm so we are going for Sushi :D


Well-Known Member
Not quite like "sailboating"
Check this video out made by a friend of mine.

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If a sail boat can go 30 foot up in the air yes, its like a surfboard with a kite big enough to lift you etc, Lee will no doubt have a more professional explanation and maybe some vids for you guys.

Ps I waited for an e-mail from a US company all day before I realised it was the 4th.

Regards Rob
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