Please help, i hope the broken knob on the gyro isnt going keep me from fixing the problem.
That would be really nice of you, Tony!
You're right! There is a certain amount of "brotherhood" at RCH and that is what has kept me coming back.
I had a spare Heading Hold gyro for my 500 that I wasn't using. One of my Youtube buddies was in need of a, I shipped it off to him and he's been flying his 500 ever since.
I have spoke with Dustin and I think he may contact you about that gyro that you have available.
Tony, I thought you sent Dustin a gyro. Did you send him a servo, too?
AHHH!! That gives me an ideaI saw this on another forum
As a suggestion how about a FREE section where you could put things that you have but are not used just sitting there and we could put parts on that anyone could get for free or postage cost?? I am sure we all have parts we could do the same with?? What do you think Tony?
Thats ok Tony, the Gyro is what i did not a servoand thank you for keeping me updated