finally im back



finally managed to get back here, ive been trapped behind the Chinese servers for the last few years and a heap of other crap ive had to deal with including divorce and a tonn of other stuff you guys don't want to know, but I'm back in the UK now after my visa expired an I was then put in prison for three weeks and then deported, as you can imagine I'm not a happy bunny

anyway my flying did get to a great point and my heli collection has grown, when I finally get them back from china and if they are in one piece because the Chinese post office would not send them in their proper boxes, I have...

clone Trex250
still got the honeybee
I had a CP carbon, which then became a donor
V120 do2s, which I was flying inverted
and my pride of the fleet, a Tarot custom 450, its looks great and flies even better

when I get them back and repair the obvious damage I will post pics

its good to be back, and thanks for the birthday wish, I'm 42 today, which seems old to me, but according to hitchhikers guide, its the meaning to life,the universe and everything in it, so not ll bad hahahaha



Staff member
Horrible story. Glad you are out of there though. And welcome back to the forum. Hope to see many post from you in the future.


Well-Known Member
Welcome back mate :)
Sounds like a nightmare time. But glad to be back in Ol' Blighty :D
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