Goblin 380 Supporter
Hope that everyone one had a safe and fun Labor day weekend
. I finally got my wife a reliable suv on Friday
. Since she feels safe to drive, I finally got the chance to make it to the park by my house. We went to check it out and maybe get some flights in before the sun disappears. I had the chance to fly the 500 but not the 450 or X3. Next time I'll be more prepared to fly. It was nice to have some room to fly around
for a change. I will be going back, hopefully once a week. Sorry but the video is a bout 6 1/2 mins. long but I don't know how to edit yet
. The field I'm flying is an old softball field located in the back of the park. Hardly anyone goes there since they have new state of the art softball/baseball field in the front of the park where everyone goes. Nice place to go if you don't want to be bother by others. MVI 0578 - YouTube