New Member
Just signed on and looking for some help with setting up my Trex 600 Nitro and My newly acquired 700 nitro, I started flying helis back in the 80's with the mini boy and heli boy both from Germany. then in the 90's i picked up an xcel 60 flew that for several yeas and still have it hanging in my shop, about 10 years ago i got a trex 450 for fun and flew it for a bit crashed it several times all rebuilt and siting on a shelf but i have always liked the bigger helis so i picked up a trex 600 Efl flew great but batters ant cheap and i have had some explode
so i went with a 600 nitro have had it for two years but my job pulled me away so i had to stop working on it now i am back and trying to get this monster flying, and to top that i just got a 700 nitro from a friend all ready to go so i kind of jumped the gun a setup my radio a took it out but had tail rotor problems and ripped the tail off so now i am rebuilding it so i am back to working on the 600.

so i went with a 600 nitro have had it for two years but my job pulled me away so i had to stop working on it now i am back and trying to get this monster flying, and to top that i just got a 700 nitro from a friend all ready to go so i kind of jumped the gun a setup my radio a took it out but had tail rotor problems and ripped the tail off so now i am rebuilding it so i am back to working on the 600.