Projects help setting up unique fpv setup for rc car


New Member
m currently permanently bedridden, i would like to setup a fpv rc car that i can control from my desktop pc.
currently i have my pc setup at the foot of my bed,i only have enough physical mobility to move and click a mouse.
building a fpv rc car is the easy part
  1. i need to know is it possible to stream the video to my desktop.
  2. i need a way to control it. (maybe i can mirror a transmitter on my desktop and click the controls)
i just would like something i can cruise around my property with


Well-Known Member
I can't chat about a project like this since I have my Mother's funeral to go to in a few minutes and will be busy most all day... but I can get you started with an internet search so you can at least start reading up on what will be involved.

See this search for more info for now ... control rc car with pc search


Goblin 380 Supporter
m currently permanently bedridden, i would like to setup a fpv rc car that i can control from my desktop pc.
currently i have my pc setup at the foot of my bed,i only have enough physical mobility to move and click a mouse.
building a fpv rc car is the easy part
  1. i need to know is it possible to stream the video to my desktop.
  2. i need a way to control it. (maybe i can mirror a transmitter on my desktop and click the controls)
i just would like something i can cruise around my property with

:welcome1:killercripple to the site. If you have FPV goggles with head tracking you'll be able to look around while driving but i'm not sure about controling the rc car with a pc. Here's a video that might help some...I hope.


Well-Known Member
A lot of the direction a real or good suggestion would rely on knowing the extent of the mobility issues. There are what I call "toy grade" options that have standard RC car controls which would required good control of a finger throttle and a knob wheel for controlling the steering. These are relatively common on Amazon if you search for FPV RC Car or Truck ... in fact, if those types of controls are workable... I'd suggest trying one of these first because anything of higher quality will be costly for one and it's always good idea to test the waters first.

If those won't fit the bill even just to test out your interest etc... Then you go into experimental territory pretty quickly. There will not be an "out of the box" solution. You would have to design ( or find a design ) that could be adapted and then solder up the electronics and probably also program the solution so it works with an RC car/truck. I did see some examples so they do exist out there.

Controls... are going to be a point that needs considered before selecting any design. A keyboard will be fine but not give fine controls for steering. A mouse's main disadvantage would be a lack of centering requiring you to recenter manually. I could see some mobility cases that needing that amount of fine control could be problematic. I can't think of a big issue with throttle control like I could with a keyboard or a mouse but there could be something I'm not thinking through.

The way I'd want to do it ( but personally don't have the required skills for myself ) ... would be to use a standard transmitter module so you could connect it to a standard receiver for the car. This would still require making/designing the interface between the PC and the transmitter module but would remove needing to design the transmit / receive portion. The Arduino methods I've seen mentioned would have a pretty crude transmit / receive setup and require programming skills as well. I'm uncertain if an Arduino could be used in the interface I mentioned or not. Anything you go with in these directions will require alot of research first.

WiFi cameras are pretty common and could be added with a additional battery to power it. You do need to make certain they are accessible from a PC since a lot of them are now just using smartphone apps only. So you'd want to find one that supports ONVIF so you could access it from a PC.

No matter which direction you decide on... the biggest obstacle you'll likely have with any solution will be the reception issue. Radio signals are easily blocked by the types of material the home is built from as well as anything made of metal... think refrigerator, ovens, AC / heating units and other similar things. Just going to the next room or two over could mean you have no connection because of these types of things and others I'm not thinking of. Most RC craft list a link distance that is line of sight without obstacles.
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