Hi All and Seasons Greetings


New Member
I am Carlos
Portuguese living in Brasil, Guaruja/SP since 03/2012
I have been on RC planes for a few years but still not been able to get much finger training
Enjoy putting together the planes but difficult to find the time and right place to fly
I have only foam and eletric planes
Easy Star II, Trojan T28 Air Force version, 2 x Brasilian made planes (Serenity and K-Shot), HK Reaktor, a few UMX (Trojan, Beast 3D and PoleCat) and still to assemble a Parkmaster and a Merlin. Also decided to get into Helis and i have a MCPX, MSR and 120 SR......that is all in Brasil
In Portugal i still have a few others which one day i will bring here

I read forums and other sources of RC info more than i fly and never get enough

I am now putting together the materials to build a Polaris 2 because there is lots of water around where i am and loved its behaviour both in the water and on the air

I am looking forward to read and learn lots in this forum

Maybe due to my age, nearly 58, what i struggle most with, is radios!
Very difficult to understand the programming
I have a DX6i mainly for my UMX's and Blade helis and intending to upgrade to a DX7S or a DX8 and also have a Multiplex Cockpit SX

Best regards to All
(Mozflyer .......... because i was born in Mozambique)


Staff member
welcome to the forum Carlos. If you do decide to get the DX8, look into the DX9. It's not that much more, and you get a few more features.

Sounds like you have a nice little hangar there. The DX6i is a great Tx to start off with and you can move all the way up to 6ch ccpm heli's with it.

As for the programming of the Tx's, all you have to do is ask and we will help you every way that we can. I know that first getting into it, it's a little confusing. Well, it's a LOT confusing lol. I was there once myself. But, ask the questions, no matter how small, and we will help you out.



New Member
Thanks for the warm welcome Tony

I will definitely ask for help whenever i am stuck
That is actually how i found RC-Help!
Asking Google about which switch controlled the Stunt mode on the DX6i (that shows how radios confuse me!!!)


Well-Known Member
Welcome to the forum Carlos.
Look forward to seeing many pictures and videos of your fleet. :D


New Member
I have just joined this forum and already like it lots
Thanks to all for the welcome
I am glad that Google found it for me
Regarding contributions to the forum, photos and some videos will be ok, but opinions, although i spend my free computer time reading about RC, i am not much in the habit of contributing because the knowledge that i see in forums surpasses mine by miles
Nevertheless wherever my past experiences can help someone, i will definitely pass it over
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