Hi boyz and girlz, I'm currently in UK, but original from Lithuania...I'm sure nobody knows where (what) is that 
26 y.o. Married and have a child (but NOT a shoes seller
I have a plane which has 2 meters wing span, not suitable for newbies, but I LOVE THAT PLANE -
crash it in first and second time of my "flights".
I'm also have a 2 micro helicopters,those are great,we often fly with daughter, she likes helies too...
Now I'm waiting for MY FIRST REAL HELICOPTER - HK450GT
Dunno nothing about CCPM helicopters, that's why I'm here!!!
P.S. MR. TONY's videos are very helpful, big and honest THANK'S for him.
See ya!
26 y.o. Married and have a child (but NOT a shoes seller
I have a plane which has 2 meters wing span, not suitable for newbies, but I LOVE THAT PLANE -
crash it in first and second time of my "flights".
I'm also have a 2 micro helicopters,those are great,we often fly with daughter, she likes helies too...
Now I'm waiting for MY FIRST REAL HELICOPTER - HK450GT
Dunno nothing about CCPM helicopters, that's why I'm here!!!
P.S. MR. TONY's videos are very helpful, big and honest THANK'S for him.
See ya!