Hi guys/ girls
I've just got in to RC flying and have bought a RTF art-tech 400 class Cessna which I have since crashed a few times but hot glued it together and its all ready to go once again.
I have since upgraded the motor and ESC and battery and motor mount and pleased to say she fly's well.
I found the transmitter a little twitchy and so have bought a new one. Went for Futaba 6J paired with R2006GS so have adjusted Dual rates so the plane doesn't roll to fast and will increase this as and when I get more confident.
Initially had an issue with orientation but seem to have got the hang of this now.(clearview sim used)
I've made an attempt to scratch build but this didn't go too well and the aircraft flew about 3 meters before crashing to the ground in pieces. Going to have a go at the RC-Help trainer and I'll hope this one flys. We don't get the same products over here than in the USA so going to try and find the closest I can and will report back once the build hase been completed.
Until then roger, over and out.
I've just got in to RC flying and have bought a RTF art-tech 400 class Cessna which I have since crashed a few times but hot glued it together and its all ready to go once again.
I have since upgraded the motor and ESC and battery and motor mount and pleased to say she fly's well.
I found the transmitter a little twitchy and so have bought a new one. Went for Futaba 6J paired with R2006GS so have adjusted Dual rates so the plane doesn't roll to fast and will increase this as and when I get more confident.
Initially had an issue with orientation but seem to have got the hang of this now.(clearview sim used)
I've made an attempt to scratch build but this didn't go too well and the aircraft flew about 3 meters before crashing to the ground in pieces. Going to have a go at the RC-Help trainer and I'll hope this one flys. We don't get the same products over here than in the USA so going to try and find the closest I can and will report back once the build hase been completed.
Until then roger, over and out.