Look what I got from Tony!


Crash Test Dummy
I may be crazy, but I'm going to take this on! It's the partially assembled P51-D that Tony had for sale here. Even though there is going to be a lot of extra work involved to straighten it out, and get it completed, it's my first bulsa kit, and if I can hack it and see it through to completion I'll end up with a $79 completed kit for $35 bucks! I like those kind of deals!

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Staff member
That hole in the box wasn't there when I shipped it lmao. And if you would have cut the tape on the ends, you could have slid the top off the bottom of the box lol. But yeah, the way it was put together was not right, and it wasn't me that did it. I had to take stuff off just to see how bad it was, and it was worse than I wanted to deal with. So I just let someone get a good deal on it. If you can get it together, it will make a fun plane. You can go electric or nitro with it as well. And this P-51 has the ailerons like I told you about on your Bipe. Hope you can do something with it. Keep the vids coming.
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