Maintenance Complete


Staff member
Hello everyone. Had to do some work on the site today and had to make some pretty large changed. There are still a few things on the back that are not 100%, however for the forum, it should work fine. If for some reason you are seeing an issue (other than email, more on that here in a moment) please post up and let me know.

At this time the email system is not working however I'm working on it. I'm hoping to have it up and fully functional by the end of the week. I do apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Again, if you have questions, you can post here and I will do my best to answer them.

If you are seeing the "Not Secure" sign, it is a cache issue that is keeping you on the old site, which the cert has expired. I just completed updating the SSL Cert and it is working. Just takes some time to show on some systems.

Again, post any issues you are seeing please and I will try to handle them asap.
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