New guy in Conroe, TX


New Member
Before I was married and had kids, I used to race RC10's in Fort Lauderdale, FL. That was 1990. Now I am getting back into the hobby with both r/c cars and hopefully a heli or two.

I have built a T-Rex 450 and Goblin 380 and have trashed at least 4 or more little blade hell's in the past two years. I am trying to up my game and program and fly the T-Rex and Goblin with a DX9 and Ikon FBL and I am having a devil of a time getting the radio and software to work.

I will be looking for help.




Staff member
Welcome to the forum! DX9 and Ikon, this is my bread and butter. Post up and let us know what you need help with.

And we need pictures of your birds! lol

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