New Member getting back into RC


New Member
Hi everyone.

I started flying RC planes 20 years ago with my son who was just starting high school. We were about a week away from being able to solo when my job transferred me to another state. I haven't flown again until about a year ago. (My son is now flying Gulf Streams as a corporate pilot.) I have gotten my feet wet with a Blade CX2 and am ready to move up to a FP. My V911 should arrive on Monday and my controller for Clearview should be here Tuesday.

Wish me luck!


Well-Known Member
Hi there, billy! Welcome to the forum! I'm glad to hear that you are trying to get back into the hobby. That's awesome! It sounds like your son has had a great deal of positive movement in his life. Again...that's awesome! Good luck with your V911! if you have any questions, just post your questions. We have a large mass of very knowledgeable and friendly members that are always willing to help out.


Well-Known Member
Welcome, Billy! FP is a lot of fun. I still fly my 120SR from time to time. Great for learning orientations.
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