New Member - UK, Lincs


New Member
Hi! I wandered in a Lego shop the other day and thought, ugh I wish I was a kid again, these technic models look like they'd be treat fun to bible, then I thought, what am I thinking I've got a miniature engine at home I can mess with!

So I've dragged out my tracks t Maxx 2.5 + the spare one I bought from a friend and rebuilt the engines.
I've had the cheap mini helicopters you see in gadgets shops and was actually a decent flyer, although they're only 4 axis.

My brother also has a t Maxx, can't remember what it is but I seem to think its a 3.3, he also had a 6 axis miniature (which we were both useless with) and has recently got one of those tiny miniature drones. He and I are now both looking at slightly bigger and better quad copters and are unsure, we don't exactly want to go spending loads especially for a start, and just looking through the forums makes me wonder whether I should get a quad or a heli!
Decisions, decisions!


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Staff member
Hey Dan, welcome to RCH!

I have done some reviews on a few quads that would be good for what you are looking for. Below are 3 of them and the videos I shot on them with pro's and con's. My suggestion is the Nihui quad. It has a camera but no FPV. If you want FPV, get the WLToys V686. And if you want another nano, this little guy in the third video is pretty good. Very stable and does cheater flips lol.

Here is the NiHui
NIHUI U807 Quadcopter RTF Product Review From - YouTube

Here is the WLToys
Product Review - WLtoys V686G Quadcopter Drone FPV TRC 374668 - YouTube

And here is the Nano
DHD D1 Quadcopter Product Review From - YouTube



Well-Known Member
Welcome to the forum Dan, Quads are easier, helicopters are more satisfying when you master them. They are both great fun and that's what it is all about.


New Member
Thanks guys!
The Nihui looked good, only thing is apparently it's tough to get spares, that's not to say I intend to crash, but I'm sure it will happen inevitably.
I'm currently looking at the Syma x5 series, just deciding whether to go for fpv to smartphone or just an sd card version

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Ken Jackson

Active Member
Welcome Dan! I've been toying with getting into Quads. The challenge of really flying intrigues me so I've avoided them at least for now. If your about the thrill of flying I think planes are easier but flying a heli is the most satisfying. It is also the more expensive option. If your wanting to do aerial photography the Quad is the way to go.

Good Luck!

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