A lot of thanks to all the "RC-Help Pilots for" the warm welcome you give to me! It for sure feels good for a Noob.
@ Capn Pete: the V911 and 912 are the Helis that brought me off the ground and I have had a lot of fun outside in wind with the 911 and made the most spectacular crashes
but it always survived, only minor surgery needed
Learn sometimes hurt, hehe!
Refer to Tonys comment regarding the V977, they are probably constructed in the way that the maingear should "get off" at a chrash to save more vital parts.
I have lost a couple of them trying to fly mine outside at a very limeted open area, in wind and crashed. But I am not an experienced CP pilot. Now I have decided to only use it inside for CP hover traing in my living room, carefully watching so I not crash into my TV set, that cuold be expensive
I have now received my first plane (J3 Cub), bought second hand but unused. I have never tried a RC plane.
It is probably the most cheap construction you can find altough the fusalage seems okay, but of course I see a need of
reinforcements, and that is the most important thing to me, the rest I will handle in some way and it gives me more experience to planes and their construction.
The guy I bought it from have had it in his basement for around 2 years and who knows when it was produced! I have all the time understood that this will not be a "RTF" plane and I am happy with that since I want to know how things are built up and working before I use them. Not surprisingly, the original brushed motor not deliverd any power, might be the motor or "unbranded" ESC that fails but it does not matter since my plan anyway is to make it brushless. Until I know what motorsize and ESC will be suitable and how I should fit it in I will use a "left over" brushless ESC and motor from my " do not make this at home" project (heli). Maybe, I will talk more abot that project another time
I guess the the thread Introduction of new member is not the right place to talk about your projects, and I am a bit lazy to read the forum rules, I would appricate all advices how I should behave to be a "correct" acting member.
To all of you RC Help pilots.
Take care out there and have a Safe Flight!
@ Capn Pete: the V911 and 912 are the Helis that brought me off the ground and I have had a lot of fun outside in wind with the 911 and made the most spectacular crashes
Refer to Tonys comment regarding the V977, they are probably constructed in the way that the maingear should "get off" at a chrash to save more vital parts.
I have lost a couple of them trying to fly mine outside at a very limeted open area, in wind and crashed. But I am not an experienced CP pilot. Now I have decided to only use it inside for CP hover traing in my living room, carefully watching so I not crash into my TV set, that cuold be expensive
I have now received my first plane (J3 Cub), bought second hand but unused. I have never tried a RC plane.
It is probably the most cheap construction you can find altough the fusalage seems okay, but of course I see a need of
reinforcements, and that is the most important thing to me, the rest I will handle in some way and it gives me more experience to planes and their construction.
The guy I bought it from have had it in his basement for around 2 years and who knows when it was produced! I have all the time understood that this will not be a "RTF" plane and I am happy with that since I want to know how things are built up and working before I use them. Not surprisingly, the original brushed motor not deliverd any power, might be the motor or "unbranded" ESC that fails but it does not matter since my plan anyway is to make it brushless. Until I know what motorsize and ESC will be suitable and how I should fit it in I will use a "left over" brushless ESC and motor from my " do not make this at home" project (heli). Maybe, I will talk more abot that project another time
I guess the the thread Introduction of new member is not the right place to talk about your projects, and I am a bit lazy to read the forum rules, I would appricate all advices how I should behave to be a "correct" acting member.
To all of you RC Help pilots.
Take care out there and have a Safe Flight!