Newbie Questions


New Member
I just got the Phoenix Simulator with DX6i and have a few questions.
I am mainly interested in learning to fly airplanes, the P-51 especially.
Does anyone have recommended settings for this?
Also, if I chose a different airplane, would the settings change?

Thanks for the help.


Staff member
Hey Steven, I just setup a new online session with Phoenix. I'm online now. North america, session name is Rc Help and the password is "rchelp" without the quotes.

First thing to do is pick your plane. Then under model click Edit. In the bottom center, take that dial that is on 50% and set it to 100%. This will make it about as real as you can get on a simulator.

Welcome to the forum!



Staff member
You will set all of that up in the Tx. I usually make two models, one for planes and one for helicopters. For the planes, I think you just leave everything stock. Make sure to go in and set some expo in the Tx so you get used to it rather than doing it on the simulator.

And if you want to fly with me, I'm on 5.5K, the latest version.


Staff member
slowly taxi it over to you and look at your control surface throws. When you pull down on teh elevator (stick towards the bottom), the elevator on the plane should go up. When you give right aileron, the right aileron should go up.


New Member
The rudder is moving, but I dont see the aerilons move.
I checked the calibration and everthing looked to respond well.


Staff member
Did you go completely through the calibration process for the Tx? If the ailerons are not moving, click on System > Your Controls > Spektrum > DX6i > Edit Profile. In there, watch what your sticks are doing and make sure everything is working as it should.


New Member
Yes, I fully calibrated it.
I just checked the TX profile and all controls have very good response.


Staff member
So all of the bars were moving and with the correct channel? It's been known to have to remap the controller to get the correct controls.


New Member
One thing I noticed was the collective pitch is at 100% and does not move.
Could this be the problem?



Staff member
On an airplane, the collective pitch is going to be channel 6. So that is your Aux1 channel. Should be your right switch that is labled flaps I believe.


Staff member
It should move by flipping that switch that is associated with it. If you calibrated it, that is.
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