I am a software Engineer, a graphic designer and a photographer.
.i am very new in RC kind a stuff. It has always been my dream to play RC toys and other stuff like Plane, cars by my child hood. My parents had not that much money to buy me RC toys. I made my self many small toys with DC motors and played with wired Remote Controls in my child hood.
I always loved to play toys or I wanted to control things... In my thoughts
a few years back I bought a RC car for my nephew, and more then him I used to play with that. about a week back, I searched from AliExpress.com, and there I found RC transmitter and Receiver, Because of My love in Electronics and Mechanics it was a great great news for me that it's easy. I can build my own plans, cars, gliders, helicopter and everything and play with them using wireless DIY things..
I have learnt a lot about Brushless motors, Brushed, stepper motors, ESC, Batteries, servos, Amps, Watts but with a number of questions.
I was looking for some good forums, I didn't check anything in this forum yet. but i noticed videos related to RC on youtube are with disabled comments, its mean this channel "RcHelpDotCom" wants everybody to discuss whatever they have in their mind on rc-help.com. And that's the reason i joined this.
I hope guys here will defiantly help others out.
.i am very new in RC kind a stuff. It has always been my dream to play RC toys and other stuff like Plane, cars by my child hood. My parents had not that much money to buy me RC toys. I made my self many small toys with DC motors and played with wired Remote Controls in my child hood.
I always loved to play toys or I wanted to control things... In my thoughts
"The first RC glider ever invented was KITE ..."
a few years back I bought a RC car for my nephew, and more then him I used to play with that. about a week back, I searched from AliExpress.com, and there I found RC transmitter and Receiver, Because of My love in Electronics and Mechanics it was a great great news for me that it's easy. I can build my own plans, cars, gliders, helicopter and everything and play with them using wireless DIY things..
I have learnt a lot about Brushless motors, Brushed, stepper motors, ESC, Batteries, servos, Amps, Watts but with a number of questions.
I was looking for some good forums, I didn't check anything in this forum yet. but i noticed videos related to RC on youtube are with disabled comments, its mean this channel "RcHelpDotCom" wants everybody to discuss whatever they have in their mind on rc-help.com. And that's the reason i joined this.
I hope guys here will defiantly help others out.