Staff member
I'm sure you all have noticed that I have not been on the site much here lately. Trust me it's not by choice.
At work we are so slow we are just sitting around drinking coffee. And it's driving me crazy. At this time I am looking for another job that will keep me busy. But I can't complain, I have a job, I'm hourly so I still get paid which is why I'm not on that big of a hurry to find a new job. Instead I'm focusing more on the stuff I have to do around the house.
As you know I have this little garden that I showed in a video. Keeping up with that thing is getting a little easier, but this weather is killing me. We have had about 15" of rain in the last two weeks and it's keeping me from planting anymore in the garden. And I have a lot more to plant.
Also as you saw I burnt all of the brush that has been around for the better part of two decades. That has freed up a lot of space in my yard. And now that that's done, it's time to turn to other projects.
The first project is the little green monster. I got it running a few weeks back and that got me to where I wanted to finish it. Well this requires welding and I didn't have a welder. So I went out and purchased a new lincoln welder so that I could finish the mower. Got the welder and started on the mower.
I knew the frame was cracked above the from axle so the first thing I did was pull the front axle off to weld the frame. When I got it off, I saw that the cage for the axle was broke as well. This piece is welded on so out comes the 4 1/2" angle grinder and I cut the cage off. I start welding on it and after fixing 17 cracks, it's back in 1 piece.
I finished welding the frame and dressed t J e welds then tossed on a couple coats of pain and you can't even tell the frame was cracked. Got the front axle back under it and sat her on the ground. Not near as much play as there was.
Turned around and sold the little green monster to my neighbor which in turn paid for the welder. w00t!
That took me the better part of Saturday and I was worn out. Not to mention it rained all day that day.
Now it was time to start on another project that I have needed to do for about 5 years. And that is to complete my 16' trailer. I purchased this trailer quite a while back and had to put a new deck on it. Well that deck rotted since I didn't seal it. Also it didn't have any fenders on it. 3 or so years ago I purchased a set of steel diamond plate fenders for it but didn't have a welder. I do now
The first thing to do was rip the old deck off of it. That was Short work with the impact. Broke about 75% of the bolts in the process. Nothing my 4 1/2" angle grinder with a cutoff wheel won't solve. Next, place the fenders on the trailer to see if they line up. And they didn't. They were too far forward by 1 3/8". So I had to cut a notch out of the rear of them so they can slide back. Well, I guess I was out of cutoff wheels so I had to make a trip to town and get some. I was going to use my small die grinder but I couldn't find the arbor for that one, so I needed one of those as well.
When I got there I was going to get a bead breaker to take tires off a rim but I also needed a welding cart so I could get the welder off the ground. I ended up getting the welding cart since it was mothers day and there was a 25% off coupon. I figure I will use my 20% coupon on the bead breaker when I get ready to do the tires which is still a ways off.
So I got my cutoff wheels and the arbor as well as the cart and I headed back to the house. I got there and measured the slot I have to cure out, marked it and cut it out. Simple. So I grab the c clamps and get the fenders into position, clean the weld areas and start laying weld.
I get the first one welded on and go to the second one. I am about 75% done with the second one when the welder just stops. WTF! I raise the lid and there is no wire left. Between the mower and the trailer I used up a pound of wire. So I'm stuck.
By this time it's late and I really need a shower so I called it a night.
I still have to put a new hitch on the trailer and a new jack since I hate the one that is on it. I also have to get new decking and stain and seal it. That's right, I'm going to stain the deck on the trailer lol. I also want to fab up some ramp holders for under the trailer as well as move the lights. Once all the fab work is done I'm going to paint the trailer to match my truck. Once I'm done it should look pretty good.
I know this is a long thread but I feel that you all should know what is keeping me from the site. I promise, I'm doing all of this to try and make time to get on here more. I miss sitting on here helping out all day!
Oh, and speaking of all of the rain that we had, it flooded my garage and got the backdrop wet. This is the logo you see in the background. Talk about pissed off! So I'm hoping it will dry with no damage.
I just ordered a 10lb spool of wire so hopefully that will last a little while. Now I'm looking for an argon bottle. Sure need one!
Anyway that is some of what I have been doing. Hope you all understand.
At work we are so slow we are just sitting around drinking coffee. And it's driving me crazy. At this time I am looking for another job that will keep me busy. But I can't complain, I have a job, I'm hourly so I still get paid which is why I'm not on that big of a hurry to find a new job. Instead I'm focusing more on the stuff I have to do around the house.
As you know I have this little garden that I showed in a video. Keeping up with that thing is getting a little easier, but this weather is killing me. We have had about 15" of rain in the last two weeks and it's keeping me from planting anymore in the garden. And I have a lot more to plant.
Also as you saw I burnt all of the brush that has been around for the better part of two decades. That has freed up a lot of space in my yard. And now that that's done, it's time to turn to other projects.
The first project is the little green monster. I got it running a few weeks back and that got me to where I wanted to finish it. Well this requires welding and I didn't have a welder. So I went out and purchased a new lincoln welder so that I could finish the mower. Got the welder and started on the mower.
I knew the frame was cracked above the from axle so the first thing I did was pull the front axle off to weld the frame. When I got it off, I saw that the cage for the axle was broke as well. This piece is welded on so out comes the 4 1/2" angle grinder and I cut the cage off. I start welding on it and after fixing 17 cracks, it's back in 1 piece.
I finished welding the frame and dressed t J e welds then tossed on a couple coats of pain and you can't even tell the frame was cracked. Got the front axle back under it and sat her on the ground. Not near as much play as there was.
Turned around and sold the little green monster to my neighbor which in turn paid for the welder. w00t!
That took me the better part of Saturday and I was worn out. Not to mention it rained all day that day.
Now it was time to start on another project that I have needed to do for about 5 years. And that is to complete my 16' trailer. I purchased this trailer quite a while back and had to put a new deck on it. Well that deck rotted since I didn't seal it. Also it didn't have any fenders on it. 3 or so years ago I purchased a set of steel diamond plate fenders for it but didn't have a welder. I do now

The first thing to do was rip the old deck off of it. That was Short work with the impact. Broke about 75% of the bolts in the process. Nothing my 4 1/2" angle grinder with a cutoff wheel won't solve. Next, place the fenders on the trailer to see if they line up. And they didn't. They were too far forward by 1 3/8". So I had to cut a notch out of the rear of them so they can slide back. Well, I guess I was out of cutoff wheels so I had to make a trip to town and get some. I was going to use my small die grinder but I couldn't find the arbor for that one, so I needed one of those as well.
When I got there I was going to get a bead breaker to take tires off a rim but I also needed a welding cart so I could get the welder off the ground. I ended up getting the welding cart since it was mothers day and there was a 25% off coupon. I figure I will use my 20% coupon on the bead breaker when I get ready to do the tires which is still a ways off.
So I got my cutoff wheels and the arbor as well as the cart and I headed back to the house. I got there and measured the slot I have to cure out, marked it and cut it out. Simple. So I grab the c clamps and get the fenders into position, clean the weld areas and start laying weld.
I get the first one welded on and go to the second one. I am about 75% done with the second one when the welder just stops. WTF! I raise the lid and there is no wire left. Between the mower and the trailer I used up a pound of wire. So I'm stuck.
By this time it's late and I really need a shower so I called it a night.
I still have to put a new hitch on the trailer and a new jack since I hate the one that is on it. I also have to get new decking and stain and seal it. That's right, I'm going to stain the deck on the trailer lol. I also want to fab up some ramp holders for under the trailer as well as move the lights. Once all the fab work is done I'm going to paint the trailer to match my truck. Once I'm done it should look pretty good.
I know this is a long thread but I feel that you all should know what is keeping me from the site. I promise, I'm doing all of this to try and make time to get on here more. I miss sitting on here helping out all day!
Oh, and speaking of all of the rain that we had, it flooded my garage and got the backdrop wet. This is the logo you see in the background. Talk about pissed off! So I'm hoping it will dry with no damage.
I just ordered a 10lb spool of wire so hopefully that will last a little while. Now I'm looking for an argon bottle. Sure need one!
Anyway that is some of what I have been doing. Hope you all understand.