Trucks @tony


New Member
so my other tmaxx that i was having issues with hydro locking,now will not light up the glow plug,i took it out and tested it with the ez wand,it lights up both lights but will not heat the plug,iv gone through 3 brand new ones,they were heating before but not now,no cuts on the wiring,any ideas?


Staff member
It's not out of the question to receive multiple bad glow plugs in a row, although almost impossibly rare. I would change who you are buying from and see if that works. Also, try using a standalone igniter for the glow plug. They are pretty cheap, and it's always nice to have a backup.

Also be sure you are still getting fuel and that the carb is not clogged.


New Member
i ended up jimmy rigging an igniter with a AA batt and wire,they all lit up,so im gonna try a strandalone igniter and see what still getting fuel,i need to lean it cause its getting to much fuel.thanks tony
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