450 Tarot 3 axis gyro system


Active Member
Hello everyone just received my Tarot 3 axis gyro system today & I'm just not sure where to start also I'm new to FBL systems,,have only had one oppertunity to give it a try & gave up sooner than I should have.. But here I am again... is there anyone here that can offer some advise on how I should get started, Software, mounting or anythings to be aware of ... any imput would be greatly Appreciated.. Thank's I felded to say there were no instructions to help me move forward ..and realized I should have done more research before purchasing..& the old adage is you get what you pay for ..


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Goblin 380 Supporter
Hello everyone just received my Tarot 3 axis gyro system today & I'm just not sure where to start also I'm new to FBL systems,,have only had one oppertunity to give it a try & gave up sooner than I should have.. But here I am again... is there anyone here that can offer some advise on how I should get started, Software, mounting or anythings to be aware of ... any imput would be greatly Appreciated.. Thank's I felded to say there were no instructions to help me move forward ..and realized I should have done more research before purchasing..& the old adage is you get what you pay for ..
I found this Rackman. Maybe it might help


Active Member
Thanks D.O.G. I know I probably shouldn't done it but I threw in the towel & gave up ..just to frustrated with the programming. but really appreciate you trying to help me out there..:arms::sorrow: So maybe I'm jumping the gun here...? If I'm watching the video right... from open box you don't need to use your P.C. to set everything up just the (Radio)..? all I have done is opend box found a P.G download & scratched my haed and watched some video's thinkingI would have to use the P.C..Oh Boy..lol
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Goblin 380 Supporter
I know I probably shouldn't done it but I threw in the towel & gave up ..just to frustrated with the programming.
I understand and probably others too. Sometimes you just have to walk away and then figure out a different way. Once you get it set up and flying... it's most rewarding once you are airborne :).


Staff member
Wow i have not heard or seen anything tarot or zyx in over 9 years. The kast time inhad anyhting zyx was in 2013 when i had my Protos Mini. How is the FBL unit working for ya? Did you get the phone app for bluetooth tuning? Yes that FBL unit needs to be setup on the PC wven with the bluetooth app.
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