General 12 year old Traxxas Rustler


Staff member
IMO, I would stick with a 13.5T equivalent or higher. Anything lower than that, and you will be putting too much torque to the gears and drivetrain. There is a specific motor/esc combo for that truck, it runs about $150. You can get a little better price on hobbyparts and the like, but will only save abotu $40. I will try to look more into this for you this weekend.


Staff member
I'm not sure what you mean by board. If it's 4WD, it's more than likely shaft driven.
Cool thanks Tony
I guess what I mean by board is I so used to air borne stuff like a control board like cc3d that in this case all I need is motor esc and rx which it has rx.


Staff member
I've been up for a while. Actually at the dealership right now getting the oil changed in my truck. Only about 4 hours last night.
Well I got lucky...JST is not the way to go on this buggy...


I ended up cutting the battery free before I ended up with a fire....
At a bare minimum EC3 with equivalent wire.


Staff member
Oh, if I knew you were using that kind of connector and wire, I would be yelling lmao. Yeah, that is way too small for that truck. The motor in that truck is going to pull 50+ amps. Way more than that little plug can handle. EC3 or Deans is what I suggest.

And nope, not too short to solder. I can't remember if you were the one to get the Hakko soldering station, but if you are, this is the perfect reason why you need it.
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