2 Simulators


New Member
Hi again Tony, i just noticed this in one of your treads "why is it that everyone responds to these and not the article? Can you guys not respond to them" and i think thats wot i did on my last reply so im hoping this time ive got it right and replied to your video and not done it the other way around.


New Member
Theres one question i would like to know Tony or any other guy, while im learning to fly does if really matter if i buy/use cheap main blades for example the ones off ebay £13 fiber glass eBay item number:141774391134 or the £13 PRODUCT ID: GF600 off hobby king, do i really need to be spending here £50 plus for align blades? because my 1st flight cost me about £85 with recking my £50 blades, £10 tail boom, £10 Torque tube and £15 control rod, i have been trying to find out if i can change my tail drive from torque to belt drive that would help with the cost bit but Align-Trex where i got my bird from said thats not possible to do so i dont know but anything to help me save money untill i can get the hang of things, thanks guys Matt


Active Member
hi Matt, yes you can use the cheap blades, but sometimes they are way off balance, and could possibly have a defect in one or both, just check em over, and if you happen to have a balancer check the balance. I think there is a way you can do this without buying a balancer, but not sure.


Staff member
Can you use cheap blades, yes. But as Rodney stated, you never know what you are going to get. I have a helicopter at my house right now that has fiberglass blades on it (600 Nitro, working on it for a member here) and they came to him with chips in BOTH blades! Right at the trailing edge tip. Missing all of the paint and gel coat. I told him that they could delaminate in the air and they definitely could.

As for replying, the articles and the forum threads are linked. When you make a reply in the article section, it is put into the forum thread as well. This was done this way so that when an article was made, it was made public on the forum as well with a link to the actual article. So no worries on where you reply, I will get it.

Read my other post on some tips. It's a little more money, but it's far less than crashing this 600 again.
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