Prop 2204 motor that isn't running up to speed


Help folks, I have 4 Hobby Fan 2204 motors that with a 6 3.5 prop do not create more than a gentle zephyr and I am sure will not fly a plane. My setup is Hobby fan motor, 12A esc, and fully charged 1000ma 7.4V lipo battery. This has me baffled as I have never encountered this or a similar problem. Any help will be appreciated. Bob


Staff member
Try a 6x5 prop and see what that does. These motors are more for quads with the high kv, but I guess could be put on a plane.


Staff member
Just watch the temps of the motor and ESC (forgot to say that in the other post). It's worth a shot. If that doesn't provide the thrust you are looking for, then look for a little larger motor for a 450 or 500 quad or the like. Unless you are just wanting to use what you have laying around that is lol. Might also try a 6x4 prop as well. Those props were used on a lot of the high kv 3s motors a few years ago.


Tony, I want to use the motor on the Flite Test Mini series. Small, light planes. Seems to me that it should be the correct motor for this application.


Thanks again Tony, I was pretty sure that my calculations (theoretical )were in the ballpark. Now to boost the rpm's of the motor somehow to make it fly!


Staff member
Only way to boost the RPM is to add more voltage. But too much, and you will release the magic smoke lol.


Tony: This motor is a bear when the esc is set correctly. I can recommend it to any one building a small foam board or other ac up to about 36" With a 6/3.5 it creates a small hurricane! I am running it on 7.4V and it is as happy as a pig in a mud hole.
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