Hi Chas, I think we all realize that when dealing with these heli's as far as taking it slow with them.
We'll jump from a fixed pitch to a CP usually when we are not really ready (me) learn expensive lessons by trying to fly the more expensive CP's when we may not be ready (me). Not understand proper setup and crash them into our car, into the ceiling of our garage, and just in general pound em into the ground as hard as we can (me). Some of us (me) seem to pick up slower on the proper flight of CP's, setting them up properly....
That 3GX system from what I have read and heard can be a very very difficult system! Personally I don't know, but just check over on the system in this forum the number of people that have had issue with this system and you'll get an idea of how difficult it can be. But please don't feel discouraged either by all I've said either, it can be done....we have a few members like Steve (Smoogie), Tony, and a couple more that do know and have successfully set that system up!
One thing is for sure though, you'll gain very valuable experience if you stick with it! I started CP with a Blade SR, a very difficult heli, and problematic due to substandard design. But I can actually fly the thing now, but it took me many many crashes with the thing, heck I still crash it from time to time because a tail motor or some part fails here and there. But it did help me through working on the dang thing all the time, to understand how critical setup is with these things!