Couple of the toys


Figured tony was asking for some pics of a couple of my toys so here's a few to start still in packing so more to come. Got the team assoc. t4 with the xp2 receiver and a xs3 jr racing digital that I no longer need. The traxxas stampede and the v911 micro heli plus a few boats and a twin hammers desert truck still in storage.

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Staff member
Ah the good ole T4. I used to race those back in the day. Those things, for their time, were glued to the track. Nice little collection!
Thanks tony! Love my t4 even though she's brushed she hooks up and with some time I'll have more toys ha ha ha

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Little 380 brushed rc boats me and my girlfriend got aka venoms they are decent starter boats but these are the ones I want to upgrade got another one in black

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Staff member
Looks like it would be a lot of fun. Have you thought about getting a bigger, more powerful boat?
Yup that's going to be the next purchase I plan on doing a jet prop boat next thought the v hulls hang in the weeds but jets don't so ya soon enough 27" catamaran

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Added another toy to the fleet

17" rtr miss geico race boat this is now the project boat I'm going brushless with a spectrum radio system

Coty c
Not really sure where to post build updates of the geico boat but here are some recent pics of it as clean and brushless as she's gotten so far
borrowed ideas from all you heli guys and quad guys used a pair of quad copter 2000mah 2s battery's since standard sized 2s won't fit with the beam being so narrow, Ran a fs2gt transmitter receiver for now till I can afford a spectrum and ran a 380 size brushless donkey motor from hobby king 3000kv have a few others in transit one 7600 kv one 6800 kv brushless. Mounted the reciever and the water cooled esc under opposite sides esc on the right due to torque pull. Should help with water resistance. Over all I wanna thank every one who helped me understand the brushless and lipo systems.! For a boat it flys I'll post some videos up in the media section when I make it down to the lake again. Thanks yall!

Coty c
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