Ender 5 plus leveling


Well-Known Member
I releveled my ender 5 plus. I really need to use something other than a post it but that's what I have right now. So after leveling the gantry to within. 04mm left and right I went into aux leveling which allows you to adjust manually each corner to your liking. I used the post it and then went into bl touch measuring which checks 16 points on the build plate. This is what is shown afterwards. I would like to know if Tony knows what this means. I am especially curious to know why the front corners read so much different. One is -.287 and the other is -.874. Could it be that there is some variance in my steppers? Maybe tomorrow I'll go out to the shop and get my feeler gauges and see how things change.



Staff member
In looking at it, it looks like your board is not flat at all and it's seeing the waves in the board. But, knowing you, you used a dial caliper with a wide foot to run the X/Y axis against the bed, so I'm thinking you are right, it may just be a variant in the steppers. What matters is if you do a .2mm nozzle and get a perfectly even 1 layer print. If so, then I would call it good and it is in fact a variant.


Well-Known Member
So after the first post, I tried another measurement with my caliper. I went into aux leveling and moved the print head to the front left. I measured from the top of the gantry to the bed. I got the same measurement on the left and right sides of 1.951". I continued with the rear of the bed and got left to right 1.949 and 1.950" respectively. I centered the head and there I get L to R 1.952 and 1.950".

At this point I am perplexed. If such precise measurements with a caliper show it to be right on the money, then why such weird variations with the BL touch?

I am doing these tests to try and figure out why I get such poor infill patterns that amount to a bowl of spaghetti.


Staff member
Spaghetti for infill can be the result of too slow of an extraction speed. Especially if you have changed your drive rollers.


Well-Known Member
I think I may have figured out my spaghetti issue. During print the extruder starts slipping. I know the hot end is hot enough and when it starts slipping, the infill gets messed up. I'll try to do a calibration on the steps/mm tomorrow.


Staff member
Yep, that is why I went with a dual extruder drive system on mine. Way more aggressive. Easy fix is to slow the travel down since infill usually goes pretty fast.
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