ESC First Time Governor Set Up. To Gov Or Not To Gov?


An update here is warranted as Ive been flying the 450 regularly over the pas 2 weekends. The first hard pitch climbs did see the tail really not liking it and kicking hard. I adjusted for it and things are looking better. Im enjoying the governed head speed to date.
Now when flying the 550 I notice the bogging a little more from time to time.

Im going to move to the governed head there to now and see what things look like. Ill set up the governor in the Castle Talon 90 and see how things look next time out.


Staff member
So let me get this right. You are not running a gov on the 550 currently? Or are you needing help to keep it from bogging?


Im good with the set up on the governor at this stage . I had just tried it on the 450 first and wanted to be comfortable with the feel first before swapping everything over (baby steps my man) Im gonna hook up the castle link and set it up this weekend.

So no, the head speed on the 550 today is simply and flat throttle curve at both I1 and I2 but not governed. So I can hear the head speed lag a little from time to time when flying.

I did post up and will need help with the 700 set up though. Ill let you know how the 550 works out when done and flight tested.


Staff member
For that do a "V" curve. Drop point 3 about 5% lower than the rest of the curve. Its still going to bog because nothing is telling the esc to add input. You will need to add some collective management at the same time. Don't be hammering on the collective.


Thanks my man, yeah I'm gonna try the governed head and see how that looks.

In either case, I still have to work on my collective :biglaugh:


Man this machine is so tight for spac:banghead: I have spend hours trying different wiring configs out trying to make things as neat as possible.
There are limited options. Lol

Ugly or their way.

Shit a little more engineering to give you a friggin 1/4 inch some where would have been wonderful.
Want to get this in the air now ...sooo close.



My 550 has enough room in the frames to put a sandwich in the back if I wanted too.
I get it stiffen things up by narrowing but man, a little middle ground wouldn't hurt.

There aren't even enough holes in the frame to mount things outside of I wanted to.

It's done now but wow.


I mixed up sections I thought I was in my elecctronics post not the governor..I was referring to the lack of space in the 700x.
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