Flight Stories

Island Breeze

Senior Rc-Help Member
So I guess I am on the right thread. Anyways! my story of the day. So I decided to do full on FFF on IU1 with my Protos. I just wanted to see how fast she can go. Of course everyone but their mother was watching and as I was rocketing along, by the way this thing is fast. Anyways someone from the crowed yelled your tail gain is too high. As soon as I was done flying the same person said hey you need to lower your tail gain to get rid of the wag, I responded it ain't the tail gain buddy.. it was me shaking which caused the super wag..

LMAO! to funny


Staff member
haha, kinda like me in my flight today lmao.

Now I have to ask, is this true, or a story? Either way, it's still funny lol.


Well-Known Member
HAHA, I've had flights where i thought the sticks had developed a nervous twitch, but it was just me :D


Staff member
Congrats of the fff.

When I started flying I thought my sticks were sleeping and I was afraid to move them. Next time get a video or it didn't happen, :lol:.

Island Breeze

Senior Rc-Help Member
haha, kinda like me in my flight today lmao.

Now I have to ask, is this true, or a story? Either way, it's still funny lol.

True! LMAO and as for the video..... the GOBLIN ate all the funds for now. I might have to sell the 450 to get the Go-Pro Black. Hmmmm!


Staff member
Shoot if it is ever in stock Xheli sells a decent camera called "the Cube". For what it is and the price it does a decent job. Its about $40 plus shipping unless you find a promo code for xheli.
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