Found a place to use the birds


Well-Known Member
Well found a place to fly my heli's not to far from my house, and not on top of a mountain, got through 2 batteries on my 130x with a bit of fwd and back monouvers and a little from side to side across my self, starting to feel a lot more comfortable with this heli, however my cyclic wobble was giving me grief during the second flight, but got that sorted after I went home,

Used one battery on the 450 still a lot more timid with this bird, probably a lot more afraid of how much it will cost if I down it, lol, but got it moving around in the open air and it feels nearly there set up wise, just a few tweaks I think,

Sorry no video still working on that inconvienence.


Active Member
Nice one Slobberdog. Yes nice to have a place to fly outside but difficulty factor goes up with big thermals blowing though I have found. Have fun in the good weather. Cheers


Well-Known Member
yes it is nice, have the club flying site but its a good 20 mins down the road, so wanted a quiet corner to use, been looking for a few weeks now, wind and thermals take a bit of getting used to, but its all practice, lol.

nice to see you having fun with yours as well,


yeah its good to have some where close to fly im the same with my club about 20 mins way, so i fly on my local playing field after work (6:30am), ive not had the luxury of being able to fly indoors yet good to see we are all getting some practice in.
Im flying in the morning again and should be able to get some video.


500 is going great. I've gone fbl and put a stretch kit on so she's nearly a 550. She's super stable in the wind with msh brain on. I'm getting about 2 flights a day in but desperately need a couple more batterys. I should be getting the 450 and 130x back in the air at the end of the month.
It a good thing were getting some good weather for a change.
The thermals are good for collective management practice treff, I've found you just need to be faster catching the rise or fall
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Active Member
Yes to both getting lots of practice and stocking up on the spares LOL. The thermals are very much a brain and thumb tester. I have been practicing side on hovering and been caught out a few times
but I 've got a stock of blades in LOL. Have fun both. Cheers
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