I cannot speak. Heart broken :(


Well-Known Member
Excellent news Lee.
Good to know you got it back.

This is one thing that has always worried me about FPV flight, especially without a spotter.
I do it regularly on my own property just for the practice.
Even on 15 acres, a little 500 size quad could be difficult to find.
I have lots of trees, bush, gorse, I shudder to think.
I have FRsky receiver with RSSI sent back to the Taranis so if the battery stays connected I might
find a general direction but in your case that would not have helped.


Well-Known Member
Congratulations a job well done, glad to hear that it has minimal damage, can't wait to see the video.


Well-Known Member
Yeh losing the battery is basically a done deal. May try a small battery for the VTX, just so I can keep video in a crash and help me find it.
Got to figure out why I lost signal in the first place now.
It flew perfectly in the morning.


Active Member
Great news Lee. You can get a good nights sleep now lol, Well done. In the past a friend and I even searched for a large model using a full size aircraft.
Found it on the cliffs in Gower. Cheers


Staff member
Glad you found it. That would have hurt a little. Now for the video.

Gaba jr, lol.

Sent from my LG-E980 using Forum Runner


Glad you found the baby. I lost my MCpx the other day flying it in some tall grass. And it was only 50 feet away. Took me 20 minutes to find it. I can't even imagine FPV searching. Though I am thinking more and more about it now that I have been told I can't do it. :wink:



Well-Known Member
Thanks Lee, I'll be coming down to Cardiff sometime in August as I'm buying Kevs 450, maybe we could all get together, wouldn't that be awesome....

Although my Location says Marlborough UK, I actually live in Spain :) So you have a little ways to go from Cardiff :D
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